Saturday Morning/Afternoon of Love - Bumper Edition

Wow, this is a bumper list... 2009 seems to be a brilliant year and it's hard to narrow it down.

  • Liv @ Girl with the Big Brown Eyes fixing my Google Analytics so I can see how many of you sweethearts are checking out my page... it's nice to know that you guys care enough to read. Love you guys!
  • Having a BBQ with the girls I used to hang out with in high school - we don't hang out so much these days but it's great to reminisce about great times we had together... no one else truly understands the wild night we had on a farm drinking Mirinda Raspberry and Grants Whiskey, our fourteen-year-old selves sleeping on a trampoline and having rotten hangovers the following day while at the mall. Mirinda Raspberry and Whiskey... seriously brilliant :)
  • Posting my first vLog and getting such an awesome response from you cuties - it's so cute that everyone thinks I have an accent... I don't see it at all and I love all your accents :D
  • Being told that I was a nerd, but that it was okay because I was a hot nerd... and I quote "Seriously, tie that hair up, sling on some glasses and you can get whatever the hell you want!"
  • Being back at work... I wasn't handling the concept of the staycation very well but was earning half of what I usually would (I didn't want to use all my annual leave)... low cashflow made the idea of going on holiday somewhere fairly prohibitive. I like my co-workers and the gardens at work are looking FANTASTIC so it's good to be back, earning some coinage!
  • Nice guys
  • Getting sunburnt just the right amount - I know this is dreadfully uncool, but while working outside yesterday afternoon, I got sunburnt, but not painfully so. Seeing sunburn is pretty much inevitable for me, I decide to be happy about this.
  • Having so much fun chatting with friends that we stay out until 1am when we're meant to be having an early one... even if I felt rancid as heck the following day.
  • Completing my first goal for the year. Just pulled the next card out of the deck... should be an interesting one :D It is weather reliant, so let's hope the weather stays this fantastic and I can do it without having to redraw :D
  • NZ Scenery - I leave you with this...

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I got to you in my reader (I'm an alphabetical gal) just as you posted. Good timing.

    I love it how NZ scenery is so exciting to others. Every so often I sit back and actually look. And it is amazing. But it's also just home...

    Have a good weekend :)
