Picture if you will...

A Guy Fawkes night at my house (or Fourth of July if you aren't a former English colony LOL)... Dad is lighting the firework out on the lawn... we see the wick of the firework fizz away, getting closer and closer to the gun powder cache that will explode in an array of exciting and beautiful colours. You can hear the hiss as the flame rushes closer to the goal...
and as the wick comes to the end, there is a moment of perfect silence and you wait, holding your breath...
Nothing's happening. What seemed five seconds ago so full of promise has turned out to be a dud. Do you get up and walk away, or do you sit and wait just a while longer to see if it goes off?
This is an incredibly long winded way of saying that I have complete and utter writer's block when it comes to one of my assignments right now. I will wake up in the morning and feel a buzzing of inspiration in the back of my brain but by the time I have made my coffee and sat down at my computer - NOTHING. It's clearly not a total inspiration issue, as this blog post makes evident... there's just something about using Toulmin's rhetoric theory in application to mission statements (which yes, is about as dry as it sounds) that is just not wanting to click at all. I'm waiting for divine inspiration to come and slap me across the face with a cold fish. I have until Monday to get this silly thing done... but I have a busy weekend ahead. If inspiration could come in the next couple of days that would be awesome :)
Mum has been hospitalised for that infection that she's obtained so that they can put her on IV antibiotics as a precaution - prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes all accepted; hopefully they'll be able to do the job her white blood cells can't right now.

1 comment:

  1. ugh... Toulmin. my heart goes out to you. and your mum as well, hope she's feeling better!
