iCiNG Transformation Challenge - a wrap up.

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So the iCiNG transformation challenge doesn't officially wrap up until tomorrow, but I thought I'd summarise the experience in my Friday post. For those of you have started reading since my previous post at the start of the challenge, my motto for the month was "Stop bitching and start doing" and I wanted this to apply to my body, my love life and my faith.

I was transformed over the month, but not in the way that I expected. Opportunities sprung up for me to get more involved with my faith and I feel like I grew in the way I had wanted and expected. Some frank and honest conversations with the women in my 20-somethings group at church filled in some missing links for me and I finish the month feeling much more confident about where I am in the universe and the underlying purpose for things being the way they are. I do wonder whether my confidence in my current situation - that fate is predestined and that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be - has affected my feelings towards the other two areas of focus - body and love life.

Because the reality is that, over the course of the month, I've... stopped caring.

GASP... I know. It's not that being a slim size 12 and having a man wouldn't be nice... it would! But I just don't care as much about it anymore. Uni looks so full on this year and when I'm busy dashing here to there, walking 3kms to and from the train each day I'll be eating less and exercising more. The caf on campus is shitty so I'll be brown bagging it where I can. My weight should get down to where it normally sits and that's good enough for me. I want to be healthy - the excess weight I'm carrying exacerbates my PCOS and for that reason alone I'd like to lose the jelly but a switch has flicked in my head... now it's about being healthy, not about being skinny. If this size was healthy, I would stay this size.

As far as a man goes, my life is full as it is. A guy would have to be fairly exceptional for me to want to make the sacrifices to fit him into my life... because at this stage, something would have to give. I know that if I meet the right guy then I'll want to see a little less of my friends, that I'll feel able to say no to a few of my obligations and that I'll be happy doing that. But until that guy comes along, I'm going to keep living my life at a high rpm enjoying all the experiences that I can.

So the transformation didn't work out exactly like I'd planned, but it helped me realise what I did want... which in some ways is even better. Did any of you do the iCiNG transformation challenged? Did it turn out the way that you had expected? Have you ever focused on something only to find out after further examination that it wasn't what you wanted?


  1. =D *attempts to wipe grin off face* =D <- FAIL

    It's so good to hear you feeling positive. About everything. It's fantastic. Well done sweetheart! Sometimes that mindset switch is a cow to move, but once it moves, you're set!

    Bambola xx

  2. I did the iCT and I feel like I learned more about myself and that transformation is a lot easier than I thought it would be. I didn't get to where I wanted to be in all of my goals, but who says the transformation has to stop after one month, right?

  3. Isn't it funny how so many of our issues in life are so closely related to one another? You found confidence by re-evaluating your faith, and that was all you needed to deal with your body issues. You may need to lose some weight still, but you will find it much easier if you are coming from a positive place. The same goes for men. The best boys always show up when you're not looking for them. Good men are attracted to busy, independent, confident women! Best of luck sweetheart.

  4. It is liberating to come to the discovery that healthy does not equal skinny.

  5. :D I'm so glad to hear that it turned out well for you in the different areas, even if when it wasn't the change you originally aimed for.
