I want...

I want... more time to work on assignments. I have an assignment due at the end of next week and then two the week after. On days like today, I feel too mentally exhausted to spend a lot of time working on them but I can't wait until I finish practicum to start all three.

I want... to stay longer at my practice school. I'm really going to miss it when I'm gone. Even the little ratbag kids. It's all grown on me immensely.

I want... the sneaker fairy to leave me a new pair of Puma L.I.F.Ts, size 10. I've been reading reviews of these on the net and they seem fantastic... but I need to buy myself some new specs first.

I want... more time to spend with PianoMan. Time apart allows us to miss each other (which I guess is a good thing) but sometimes I feel like academia is getting in the way of my life... not getting to see friends as much either.

I want... to win Big Wednesday. $20 million dollars? Yes please :D Even a share in that would be lovely.

I want... to lose 5 kgs in the next month. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do this (starving myself not an option = low blood sugar faints and no will power) but it will happen.

I want... regardless of what is going on (the things I can change, the things I can't) to maintain a feeling of peace and happiness always.

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