Quarter of a century!

"So when did you come to this high school, Miss?"
"Way back when we kept a stegosaurus on the back field and had T-Rex drills instead of fire drills - fire hadn't been invented yet"
"Ha ha ha ha seriously, miss?"
"No, but it took a lot longer to get to school in a horse and cart in those days..."

It's quite funny how much you can pull students' legs as to how old you are. My Year 9s from last year still stick by the fact they think I'm thirty, whereas I've also been asked if I've had my twenty-first birthday. I still get IDed at the supermarket for buying alcohol (must be over eighteen) yet some mornings I feel as stiff as a pensioner. I don't have a wedding ring or children so I must be young. I have three university-level qualifications so I must be old.

But as of today, I am twenty-five! It's a bit quiet just for today - haven't been called into teach today and the lovely SB is at work, as are most of my friends. I had my family birthday lunch yesterday as today is Mama Scribbles' first day at uni (she's tackling a four year social work degree, looking to major in health and disability advocacy) and I know she'll be knackered tonight. We're still in the process of unpacking - shocker, I know - so having a big party at our place isn't really a go either. With dear friends' wedding taking up the earlier part of March (not to mention our anniversary trip this weekend) we won't be having our joint birthday/housewarming party til the end of this month. Still, I'm enjoying the Facebook messages and looking forward to having dinner with my lovely boy tonight.

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