Friday Night...

Have a date tonight - some random guy who I'll call Rainbow - and feeling a bit nervous. It's always a bit nerve-wracking, and even more so when the guy you are meeting is an internet guy... but I haven't had any luck finding a man in my "real world". I met a guy whom we'll call Exhibit last weekend, I'd met him through the same site... only problem being that I felt nothing for him in person. Arrrrrghhhh. Hopefully tonight is a little more promising ;) I'm driving to the bar we're meeting at, so if things go revoltingly I'll have to wait til I get home to drown my sorrows LOL.
In other news, I got a hair cut today - something drastically different (and way shorter) than my previous hairstyle............and absolutely loving it. Makes me look more like I'm in my twenties rather than my teens, and suits my naturally wavy hair way better than the previous style. Think New Gwenyth/Maia from Shortland St.
UPDATE: Home... Not any great amount of chemistry, felt like a really good friend rather than anything else. Got a text from him just now basically amounting to the feeling being mutual. Ah well, third time's the charm.

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